Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Al-Quran itu???

Al-Qur’ān (ejaan KBBI: Alquran, Arab: القرآن) adalah kitab suci agama Islam. Umat Islam memercayai bahwa Al-Qur'an merupakan puncak dan penutup wahyu Allah yang diperuntukkan bagi manusia, yang disampaikan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW melalui perantaraan Malaikat Jibril.


Ditinjau dari segi kebahasaan, Al-Qur’an berasal dari bahasa Arab yang berarti "bacaan" atau "sesuatu yang dibaca berulang-ulang". Kata Al-Qur’an adalah bentuk kata benda (masdar) dari kata kerja qara'a yang artinya membaca. Konsep pemakaian kata ini dapat juga dijumpai pada salah satu surat Al-Qur'an sendiri yakni pada ayat 17 dan 18 Surah Al-Qiyamah yang artinya:

“Sesungguhnya mengumpulkan Al-Qur’an (di dalam dadamu) dan (menetapkan) bacaannya (pada lidahmu) itu adalah tanggungan Kami. (Karena itu,) jika Kami telah membacakannya, hendaklah kamu ikuti {amalkan} bacaannya”.

Sebuah cover dari mushaf Al-Qur'an

Dr. Subhi Al Salih mendefinisikan Al-Qur'an sebagai berikut:

“Kalam Allah SWT yang merupakan mukjizat yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW dan ditulis di mushaf serta diriwayatkan dengan mutawatir, membacanya termasuk ibadah”.

Adapun Muhammad Ali ash-Shabuni mendefinisikan Al-Qur'an sebagai berikut:

"Al-Qur'an adalah firman Allah yang tiada tandingannya, diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW penutup para Nabi dan Rasul, dengan perantaraan Malaikat Jibril a.s. dan ditulis pada mushaf-mushaf yang kemudian disampaikan kepada kita secara mutawatir, serta membaca dan mempelajarinya merupakan ibadah, yang dimulai dengan surat Al-Fatihah dan ditutup dengan surat An-Nas"

Dengan definisi tersebut di atas sebagaimana dipercayai Muslim, firman Allah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi selain Nabi Muhammad SAW, tidak dinamakan Al-Qur’an seperti Kitab Taurat yang diturunkan kepada umat Nabi Musa AS atau Kitab Injil yang diturunkan kepada umat Nabi Isa AS. Demikian pula firman Allah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang membacanya tidak dianggap sebagai ibadah, seperti Hadits Qudsi, tidak termasuk Al-Qur’an.

Jaminan Tentang Kemurnian Al-Quran dan Bukti-Buktinya

Kemurnian Kitab Al-Quran ini dijamin langsung oleh Allah, yaitu Dzat yang menciptakan dan menurunkan Al-Quran itu sendiri. Dan pada kenyataannya kita bisa melihat, satu-satu kitab yang mudah dipelajari bahkan sampai dihafal oleh beribu-ribu umat Islam.

Nama-nama lain Al-Qur'an

Dalam Al-Qur'an sendiri terdapat beberapa ayat yang menyertakan nama lain yang digunakan untuk merujuk kepada Al-Qur'an itu sendiri. Berikut adalah nama-nama tersebut dan ayat yang mencantumkannya:

* Al-Kitab, QS(2:2),QS (44:2)
* Al-Furqan (pembeda benar salah): QS(25:1)
* Adz-Dzikr (pemberi peringatan): QS(15:9)
* Al-Mau'idhah (pelajaran/nasehat): QS(10:57)
* Al-Hukm (peraturan/hukum): QS(13:37)
* Al-Hikmah (kebijaksanaan): QS(17:39)
* Asy-Syifa' (obat/penyembuh): QS(10:57), QS(17:82)
* Al-Huda (petunjuk): QS(72:13), QS(9:33)
* At-Tanzil (yang diturunkan): QS(26:192)

* Ar-Rahmat (karunia): QS(27:77)
* Ar-Ruh (ruh): QS(42:52)
* Al-Bayan (penerang): QS(3:138)
* Al-Kalam (ucapan/firman): QS(9:6)
* Al-Busyra (kabar gembira): QS(16:102)
* An-Nur (cahaya): QS(4:174)
* Al-Basha'ir (pedoman): QS(45:20)
* Al-Balagh (penyampaian/kabar) QS(14:52)
* Al-Qaul (perkataan/ucapan) QS(28:51)

Struktur dan pembagian Al-Qur'an

Surat, ayat dan ruku'

Al-Qur'an terdiri atas 114 bagian yang dikenal dengan nama surah (surat). Setiap surat akan terdiri atas beberapa ayat, di mana surat terpanjang dengan 286 ayat adalah surat Al Baqarah dan yang terpendek hanya memiliki 3 ayat yakni surat Al Kautsar dan Al-‘Așr. Surat-surat yang panjang terbagi lagi atas sub bagian lagi yang disebut ruku' yang membahas tema atau topik tertentu.

Makkiyah dan Madaniyah

Sedangkan menurut tempat diturunkannya, setiap surat dapat dibagi atas surat-surat Makkiyah (surat Mekkah) dan Madaniyah (surat Madinah). Pembagian ini berdasarkan tempat dan waktu penurunan surat dan ayat tertentu di mana surat-surat yang turun sebelum Rasulullah SAW hijrah ke Madinah digolongkan surat Makkiyah sedangkan setelahnya tergolong surat Madaniyah. Pembagian berdasar fase sebelum dan sesudah hijrah ini lebih tepat, sebab ada surat Madaniyah yang turun di Mekkah.

Juz dan manzil

Dalam skema pembagian lain, Al-Qur'an juga terbagi menjadi 30 bagian dengan panjang sama yang dikenal dengan nama juz. Pembagian ini untuk memudahkan mereka yang ingin menuntaskan bacaan Al-Qur'an dalam 30 hari (satu bulan). Pembagian lain yakni manzil memecah Al-Qur'an menjadi 7 bagian dengan tujuan penyelesaian bacaan dalam 7 hari (satu minggu). Kedua jenis pembagian ini tidak memiliki hubungan dengan pembagian subyek bahasan tertentu.

Menurut ukuran surat

Kemudian dari segi panjang-pendeknya, surat-surat yang ada didalam Al-Qur’an terbagi menjadi empat bagian, yaitu:

* As Sab’uththiwaal (tujuh surat yang panjang). Yaitu Surat Al-Baqarah, Ali Imran, An-Nisaa’, Al-A’raaf, Al-An’aam, Al Maa-idah dan Yunus
* Al Miuun (seratus ayat lebih), seperti Hud, Yusuf, Mu'min dan sebagainya
* Al Matsaani (kurang sedikit dari seratus ayat), seperti Al-Anfaal, Al-Hijr dan sebagainya
* Al Mufashshal (surat-surat pendek), seperti Adh-Dhuha, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nas dan sebagainya

Sejarah Al-Qur'an hingga berbentuk mushaf
Manuskrip dari Al-Andalus abad ke-12

Penurunan Al-Qur'an

Al-Qur'an tidak turun sekaligus. Al-Qur'an turun secara berangsur-angsur selama 22 tahun 2 bulan 22 hari. Oleh para ulama membagi masa turun ini dibagi menjadi 2 periode, yaitu periode Mekkah dan periode Madinah. Periode Mekkah berlangsung selama 12 tahun masa kenabian Rasulullah SAW dan surat-surat yang turun pada waktu ini tergolong surat Makkiyyah. Sedangkan periode Madinah yang dimulai sejak peristiwa hijrah berlangsung selama 10 tahun dan surat yang turun pada kurun waktu ini disebut surat Madaniyah.

Penulisan Al-Qur'an dan perkembangannya

Penulisan (pencatatan dalam bentuk teks) Al-Qur'an sudah dimulai sejak zaman Nabi Muhammad SAW. Kemudian transformasinya menjadi teks yang dijumpai saat ini selesai dilakukan pada zaman khalifah Utsman bin Affan.

Pengumpulan Al-Qur'an di masa Rasullulah SAW

Pada masa ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW masih hidup, terdapat beberapa orang yang ditunjuk untuk menuliskan Al Qur'an yakni Zaid bin Tsabit, Ali bin Abi Talib, Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan dan Ubay bin Kaab. Sahabat yang lain juga kerap menuliskan wahyu tersebut walau tidak diperintahkan. Media penulisan yang digunakan saat itu berupa pelepah kurma, lempengan batu, daun lontar, kulit atau daun kayu, pelana, potongan tulang belulang binatang. Di samping itu banyak juga sahabat-sahabat langsung menghafalkan ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an setelah wahyu diturunkan.

Pengumpulan Al-Qur'an di masa Khulafaur Rasyidin
Pada masa pemerintahan Abu Bakar

Pada masa kekhalifahan Abu Bakar, terjadi beberapa pertempuran (dalam perang yang dikenal dengan nama perang Ridda) yang mengakibatkan tewasnya beberapa penghafal Al-Qur'an dalam jumlah yang signifikan. Umar bin Khattab yang saat itu merasa sangat khawatir akan keadaan tersebut lantas meminta kepada Abu Bakar untuk mengumpulkan seluruh tulisan Al-Qur'an yang saat itu tersebar di antara para sahabat. Abu Bakar lantas memerintahkan Zaid bin Tsabit sebagai koordinator pelaksaan tugas tersebut. Setelah pekerjaan tersebut selesai dan Al-Qur'an tersusun secara rapi dalam satu mushaf, hasilnya diserahkan kepada Abu Bakar. Abu Bakar menyimpan mushaf tersebut hingga wafatnya kemudian mushaf tersebut berpindah kepada Umar sebagai khalifah penerusnya, selanjutnya mushaf dipegang oleh anaknya yakni Hafsah yang juga istri Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Pada masa pemerintahan Utsman bin Affan

Pada masa pemerintahan khalifah ke-3 yakni Utsman bin Affan, terdapat keragaman dalam cara pembacaan Al-Qur'an (qira'at) yang disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan dialek (lahjah) antar suku yang berasal dari daerah berbeda-beda. Hal ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran Utsman sehingga ia mengambil kebijakan untuk membuat sebuah mushaf standar (menyalin mushaf yang dipegang Hafsah) yang ditulis dengan sebuah jenis penulisan yang baku. Standar tersebut, yang kemudian dikenal dengan istilah cara penulisan (rasam) Utsmani yang digunakan hingga saat ini. Bersamaan dengan standarisasi ini, seluruh mushaf yang berbeda dengan standar yang dihasilkan diperintahkan untuk dimusnahkan (dibakar). Dengan proses ini Utsman berhasil mencegah bahaya laten terjadinya perselisihan di antara umat Islam di masa depan dalam penulisan dan pembacaan Al-Qur'an.

Mengutip hadist riwayat Ibnu Abi Dawud dalam Al-Mashahif, dengan sanad yang shahih:

Suwaid bin Ghaflah berkata, "Ali mengatakan: Katakanlah segala yang baik tentang Utsman. Demi Allah, apa yang telah dilakukannya mengenai mushaf-mushaf Al Qur'an sudah atas persetujuan kami. Utsman berkata, 'Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang isu qira'at ini? Saya mendapat berita bahwa sebagian mereka mengatakan bahwa qira'atnya lebih baik dari qira'at orang lain. Ini hampir menjadi suatu kekufuran'. Kami berkata, 'Bagaimana pendapatmu?' Ia menjawab, 'Aku berpendapat agar umat bersatu pada satu mushaf, sehingga tidak terjadi lagi perpecahan dan perselisihan.' Kami berkata, 'Pendapatmu sangat baik'."

Menurut Syaikh Manna' Al-Qaththan dalam Mahabits fi 'Ulum Al Qur'an, keterangan ini menunjukkan bahwa apa yang dilakukan Utsman telah disepakati oleh para sahabat. Demikianlah selanjutnya Utsman mengirim utusan kepada Hafsah untuk meminjam mushaf Abu Bakar yang ada padanya. Lalu Utsman memanggil Zaid bin Tsabit Al-Anshari dan tiga orang Quraish, yaitu Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, Said bin Al-Ash dan Abdurrahman bin Al-Harits bin Hisyam. Ia memerintahkan mereka agar menyalin dan memperbanyak mushaf, dan jika ada perbedaan antara Zaid dengan ketiga orang Quraish tersebut, hendaklah ditulis dalam bahasa Quraish karena Al Qur'an turun dalam dialek bahasa mereka. Setelah mengembalikan lembaran-lembaran asli kepada Hafsah, ia mengirimkan tujuh buah mushaf, yaitu ke Mekkah, Syam, Yaman, Bahrain, Bashrah, Kufah, dan sebuah ditahan di Madinah (mushaf al-Imam).

Upaya penerjemahan dan penafsiran Al Qur'an

Upaya-upaya untuk mengetahui isi dan maksud Al Qur'an telah menghasilkan proses penerjemahan (literal) dan penafsiran (lebih dalam, mengupas makna) dalam berbagai bahasa. Namun demikian hasil usaha tersebut dianggap sebatas usaha manusia dan bukan usaha untuk menduplikasi atau menggantikan teks yang asli dalam bahasa Arab. Kedudukan terjemahan dan tafsir yang dihasilkan tidak sama dengan Al-Qur'an itu sendiri.


Terjemahan Al-Qur'an adalah hasil usaha penerjemahan secara literal teks Al-Qur'an yang tidak dibarengi dengan usaha interpretasi lebih jauh. Terjemahan secara literal tidak boleh dianggap sebagai arti sesungguhnya dari Al-Qur'an. Sebab Al-Qur'an menggunakan suatu lafazh dengan berbagai gaya dan untuk suatu maksud yang bervariasi; terkadang untuk arti hakiki, terkadang pula untuk arti majazi (kiasan) atau arti dan maksud lainnya.

Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia di antaranya dilaksanakan oleh:

1. Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahannya, oleh Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia, ada dua edisi revisi, yaitu tahun 1989 dan 2002
2. Terjemah Al-Qur'an, oleh Prof. Mahmud Yunus
3. An-Nur, oleh Prof. T.M. Hasbi Ash-Siddieqy
4. Al-Furqan, oleh A.Hassan guru PERSIS

Terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris

1. The Holy Qur'an: Text, Translation and Commentary, oleh Abdullah Yusuf Ali
2. The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an, oleh Marmaduke Pickthall

Terjemahan dalam bahasa daerah Indonesia di antaranya dilaksanakan oleh:

1. Qur'an Kejawen (bahasa Jawa), oleh Kemajuan Islam Jogyakarta
2. Qur'an Suadawiah (bahasa Sunda)
3. Qur'an bahasa Sunda oleh K.H. Qomaruddien
4. Al-Ibriz (bahasa Jawa), oleh K. Bisyri Mustafa Rembang
5. Al-Qur'an Suci Basa Jawi (bahasa Jawa), oleh Prof. K.H.R. Muhamad Adnan
6. Al-Amin (bahasa Sunda)


Upaya penafsiran Al-Qur'an telah berkembang sejak semasa hidupnya Nabi Muhammad, saat itu para sahabat tinggal menanyakan kepada sang Nabi jika memerlukan penjelasan atas ayat tertentu. Kemudian setelah wafatnya Nabi Muhammad hingga saat ini usaha menggali lebih dalam ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an terus berlanjut. Pendekatan (metodologi) yang digunakan juga beragam, mulai dari metode analitik, tematik, hingga perbandingan antar ayat. Corak yang dihasilkan juga beragam, terdapat tafsir dengan corak sastra-bahasa, sastra-budaya, filsafat dan teologis bahkan corak ilmiah.

Adab Terhadap Al-Qur'an

Sebelum menyentuh sebuah mushaf Al-Qur'an, seorang Muslim dianjurkan untuk menyucikan dirinya terlebih dahulu dengan berwudhu. Hal ini berdasarkan tradisi dan interpretasi secara literal dari surat Al Waaqi'ah ayat 77 hingga 79.

Terjemahannya antara lain:56-77. Sesungguhnya Al-Qur'an ini adalah bacaan yang sangat mulia, 56-78. pada kitab yang terpelihara (Lauhul Mahfuzh), 56-79. tidak menyentuhnya kecuali orang-orang yang disucikan. (56:77-56:79)

Penghormatan terhadap teks tertulis Al-Qur'an adalah salah satu unsur penting kepercayaan bagi sebagian besar Muslim. Mereka memercayai bahwa penghinaan secara sengaja terhadap Al Qur'an adalah sebuah bentuk penghinaan serius terhadap sesuatu yang suci. Berdasarkan hukum pada beberapa negara berpenduduk mayoritas Muslim, hukuman untuk hal ini dapat berupa penjara kurungan dalam waktu yang lama dan bahkan ada yang menerapkan hukuman mati.

Hubungan dengan kitab-kitab lain
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Hubungan Al-Qur'an dengan kitab lain

Berkaitan dengan adanya kitab-kitab yang dipercayai diturunkan kepada nabi-nabi sebelum Muhammad SAW dalam agama Islam (Taurat, Zabur, Injil, lembaran Ibrahim), Al-Qur'an dalam beberapa ayatnya menegaskan posisinya terhadap kitab-kitab tersebut. Berikut adalah pernyataan Al-Qur'an yang tentunya menjadi doktrin bagi ummat Islam mengenai hubungan Al-Qur'an dengan kitab-kitab tersebut:

* Bahwa Al-Qur'an menuntut kepercayaan ummat Islam terhadap eksistensi kitab-kitab tersebut. QS(2:4)
* Bahwa Al-Qur'an diposisikan sebagai pembenar dan batu ujian (verifikator) bagi kitab-kitab sebelumnya. QS(5:48)
* Bahwa Al-Qur'an menjadi referensi untuk menghilangkan perselisihan pendapat antara ummat-ummat rasul yang berbeda. QS(16:63-64)
* Bahwa Al-Qur'an meluruskan sejarah. Dalam Al-Qur'an terdapat cerita-cerita mengenai kaum dari rasul-rasul terdahulu, juga mengenai beberapa bagian mengenai kehidupan para rasul tersebut. Cerita tersebut pada beberapa aspek penting berbeda dengan versi yang terdapat pada teks-teks lain yang dimiliki baik oleh Yahudi dan Kristen.

Daftar kepustakaan

* Departemen Agama Republik Indonesia -- Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahannya.
* Baidan, Nashruddin. 2003. Perkembangan Tafsir Al Qur'an di Indonesia. Solo. Tiga Serangkai.
* Baltaji, Muhammad. 2005. Metodologi Ijtihad Umar bin Al Khatab. (terjemahan H. Masturi Irham, Lc). Jakarta. Khalifa.
* Faridl, Miftah dan Syihabudin, Agus --Al-Qur'an, Sumber Hukum Islam yang Pertama, Penerbit Pustaka, Bandung, 1989 M.
* Ichwan, Muhammad Nor. 2001. Memasuki Dunia Al-Qur’an. Semarang. Lubuk Raya.
* ------------------------------. 2004.Tafsir 'Ilmy: Memahami Al Qur'an Melalui Pendekatan Sains Modern. Yogyakarta. Menara Kudus.
* Ilyas, Yunahar. 1997. Feminisme dalam Kajian Tafsir Al-Qur'an Klasik dan Kontemporer. Yogyakarta. Pustaka Pelajar.
* al Khuli, Amin dan Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd. 2004. Metode Tafsir Sastra. (terjemahan Khairon Nahdiyyin). Yogyakarta. Adab Press.
* al Mahali, Imam Jalaluddin dan Imam Jalaluddin As Suyuthi,2001, Terjemahan Tafsir Jalalain Berikut Azbabun Nuzul Jilid 4 (terj oleh Bahrun Abu Bakar, Lc), Bandung, Sinar Algesindo.
* Qardawi, Yusuf. 2003. Bagaimana Berinteraksi dengan Al-Qur’an. (terjemahan: Kathur Suhardi). Jakarta. Pustaka Al-Kautsar.
* al-Qattan, Manna Khalil. 2001. Studi Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur'an. Jakarta. Lentera Antar Nusa.
* al-Qaththan, Syaikh Manna' Khalil. 2006. Pengantar Studi Ilmu Al-Qur'an (Mahabits fi 'Ulum Al Qur'an). Terjemahan: H. Aunur Rafiq El-Mazni, Lc, MA. Jakarta. Pustaka Al-Kautsar.
* ash-Shabuny, Muhammad Aly. 1996. Pengantar Studi Al-Qur'an (at-Tibyan) (terjemahan: Moch. Chudlori Umar dan Moh. Matsna HS). Bandung. al-Ma’arif.
* ash Shiddieqy,Teungku Muhammad Hasbi. 2002, Ilmu-ilmu Al Qur'an: Ilmu-ilmu Pokok dalam Menafsirkan Al Qur'an,Semarang, Pustaka Rizki Putra
* Shihab, Muhammad Quraish. 1993. Membumikan Al-Qur'an. Bandung. Mizan.
* -----------------------------------. 2002. Tafsir Al-Misbah; Pesan, Kesan dan Keserasian Al-Qur'an Jilid 1. Jakarta. Lentera hati.
* Wahid, Marzuki. 2005. Studi Al Qur'an Kontemporer: Perspektif Islam dan Barat. Bandung. Pustaka Setia.

OKU Timur itu?

Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sumatra Selatan. Kabupaten ini terbentuk sebagai pemekaran Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu.

Iklim di Kabupaten OKU Timur termasuk tropis basah dengan variasi curah hujan antara 2.554 - 3.329 mm/tahun. Topografi di wilayah Kabupaten OKU Timur dapat digolongkan ke dalam wilayah datar (Peneplain Zone), bergelombang (Piedmont Zone), dan berbukit (Hilly Zone).

Batas-batas Wilayah : Utara Kecamatan Tanjung Lubuk dan Lempuing (Ogan Komering Ilir) Timur Kecamatan Lempuing dan Mesuji (Ogan Komering Ilir) Selatan Kabupaten Way Kanan (Provinsi Lampung) dan Kecamatan Simpang (Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan) Barat Kecamatan Lengkiti, Sosoh Buay Rayap, Baturaja Timur dan Peninjauan (Ogan Komering Ulu) dan Muara Kuang (Ogan Komering Ilir)

Kabupaten OKU Timur memiliki potensi lahan pertanian yang cukup luas. Kabupaten OKU Timur juga merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil beras terbesar di Sumatera Selatan. Hal ini di dukung oleh Bendungan Perjaya dan jaringan irigasi yang memadai di daerah ini. Di sektor perkebunan, komoditi andalan dari Kabupaten OKU Timur adalah karet dan kelapa sawit.

Bahan galian merupakan salah satu aset Kabupaten OKU Timur untuk meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). Potensi kekayaan alam Kabupaten OKU Timur meliputi batubara yang tersebar di Kecamatan Buay Madang, Madang Suku II, Martapura dan BP. Peliung.

Salah satu potensi wisata di Kabupaten OKU Timur adalah bendung perjaya Kecamatan Martapura. Bendung yang dibangun tahun 1991 ini, selain berfungsi sebagai sarana irigasi juga potensial untuk dijadikan obyek wisata alam sebagai sumber pendapatan daerah dan hiburan rakyat.

Selain itu juga wisata Danau Datuk juga memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan. Letak Danau Datuk sekitar 40 km dari Ibukota Kabupaten, Martapura. Terletak di Desa Surabaya dan Desa Mendayun Kecamatan Madang Suku I.

Al - Qur'an Surat Shad : 87-88

Al-Quran ini tidak lain hanyalah peringatan bagi semesta alam. Dan sesungguhnya kamu akan mengetahui (kebenaran) berita Al-Quran setelah beberapa waktu lagi” (QS. Shad : 87-88)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Soal - Soal Bahasa Inggris

The Ants and The Grasshoppers
Aesop was a famous story-teller who lived in Greece hunders of years ago. This stories were all about animals. They are called fabels. Among the many stories of Aesop, there is one about a grasshoppers and some ants in story teaches us about is it always the best to prepare for the future.
One autumn day, some ants were busy in a field. A grasshoppers came along.
“What are you going?” said the grasshoppers.
“We are gethering food and preparing our home for the winter”. “In such beautiful weather it is a better to sing and to dance”.
The winter came and the weather grew very cold. Snow covered the ground. The grasshoppers was cold and hungry. Hw met some of the ants.
“Please give me some food?” he said. “I am cold and hungry”.
“What did you do last summer?” the ants said.
“I sang and dance,” was the grasshoppers answered.
“Then you can sing and dance now,” said the ants.

Choose the correct answer from the following question.
1. A fabel is ........
a. a story about adventures
b. story about animals
c. story about life
d. story about famous persons
e. story about human being

2. The name of a famous teller of fabels who lived in Greece is ...........
a. Efrapoditus
b. Eprafas
c. Demas
d. Aesop
e. Amoes

3. When the grassoppers met the ants, it’s were .......
a. Sang and dance
b. Preparing for the future
c. Gethering food for the winter
d. Shivering with cold
e. Swimming in water

4. The weater like in the winter is ............
a. Hot
b. Cool
c. Warm
d. Cold
e. Heard

5. The story theaches the reader about .........
a. How to love animals
b. Preparing fot the future
c. The changing weather in Erope
d. How hard the winter can be
e. How work in summer

6. I always come to the place .... i had a memory with you.
a. When
b. Where
c. Why
d. How
e. Which

7. The student ... comes from Japan is sitting in the front row.
a. Whom
b. What
c. Why
d. Who
e. Whose

8. The car ... i got from my parents is American car.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Whom
d. That
e. Why

9. Mrs. Lilian : The rain has destroyed all my
plan today.
Mrs. Eny : Why?
Mrs. Lilian : I planned to go swimming, going
shopping and visiting my
Mrs. Eny : You didn’t do anything today?
Mrs. Lilian : No, i didn’t .....
a. The more the merrier
b. I hope the weather is fine tomorrow
c. I hope the same thing for tomorrow
d. I an hoping to be couldy tomorrow
e. Having a cup of tea tomorrow

The following passage is for questions number 10-19
Once upon a time along, long ago in a little village there was a big palace bigger than the village it self and in the palace there lived a king. The gardener searched all over the country side but he could not find the right seed to grow a tree which would baer golden fruit.
So at last he went to see the wise old owl who lived deep in the forest and knew all about many thing. The wise old owl told him what to do and where to go get the right seed to plant. The gardener went exactly where he was told and did exactly what he was told. He planted the seed and gave it some water, some fertilizer and that it made the gadener jumped.
The tree began to bear rich golden fruit. He ran back to the palace and took the king to see the tree. When the king had stood there for along time, staring at it open-mouthed-the gardener asked for quest and the gardener took his money and went home and lived happily ever after.

10. What did the king want to be?
a. He wanted to be handsome
b. He wanted to be strong
c. He wanted to be rich
d. He wanted to be powerful
e. He wanted to be enormous

11. What did the king promise to his gardener?
a. Harvesting products
b. Golden treasure
c. Thirteen million gold coins
d. Her daugther
e. The palace

12. The tree had to bear ... for all ... long.
a. Golden coins – year
b. Golden fruit – year
c. Pearl – year
d. Golden leaves – year
e. Golden seeds – year

13. The gardener ... to find the seed all over the country.
a. Capable
b. Could
c. Were able to
d. Wasn’t able to
e. Is able

14. The gardener went to the wise old owl. The antonym of the underline word is ...
a. Young
b. Foolish
c. Unclever
d. Clever
e. Unwise

15. Where did the owl live?
a. Near the sea
b. Near the river
c. Near the forest
d. Deep into the forest
e. Deep into the island

16. The owl showed the gardener the ... seed to plant.
a. Right
b. Common
c. Ordinary
d. Ripe
e. Good

17. The tree spang up so quickly. The synonym of ‘quickly’ is ....
a. Fastingly
b. Fastly
c. Slowly
d. Fast
e. Slow

18. What is the incorrect statemen to the text?
a. The king promised to give three million gold coins
b. The king wanted to be rich
c. The gardener was surprised to see the tree
d. The king refused to pay the money to the gardener
e. The old owl lived in the forest

19. The king lived in a big ....
a. Region
b. Temple
c. Palace
d. House
e. Country

20. A : I hope you ... me
a. Can help
b. Could help
c. Can’t help
d. Couldn’t help
e. Are not able to help

21. Adi : I hope I can do the test
Budi : ......
a. Don’t be silly
b. So?
c. I hope so
d. I don’t think so
e. You’d better stop dreaming

22. C : ......
D : I hope she will be OK
a. I won the rice
b. My mother had a check up in the hospital
c. She will join the competition
d. When will she go?
e. I can help you

23. The book ... I borrowed yesterday is missing.
a. Which
b. Whom
c. Where
d. When
e. Whose

24. The man ... you talked to last night is my uncle.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Which
e. Where

25. The child ... head was badly injured was sent to the hospital.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Which
e. When

Text 1 is for number 26-30
A long time ago, a child was born to a Queen and king and the was called snow white. When the Queen died, the king married. This new Queen was wicked had hated snow white. The Queen give orders thet snow white should be treated as a servant.
Snow white graw to be a very beautiful girl. One day a Prince who was riding by saw her working and immwdiately fell in love with her.
The Queen was beautiful too and everyday she asked her Magic Mirror, “Who is the fairest in the land?” And the mirror always answered, “You are the fairest one of all”.
One day, the Mirror answered that snow white was the fairest in the land. In a rage the Queen give orders to one of her huntsmen to take snow white into the woods and kill her.
But the huntsmen had a kind heart and couldn’t carry out the order. So he told snow white to run away. She fled into woods were the Seven Dwarfs lived. Their house was small and strange.
Snow white entered the little house and found it very untidy. She started to clean it up. Upstairs she found seven littles beds. Feeling very tired, she strecthed out on of the bads and soon fell a sleep.
When the Dwarfs came home, they were suprised to find Snow White and after some arguments, they decided to let her stay. She promiesd to cook and look after them.
The Queen discovered where the Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch. She took a poinosed apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poinosed apple. Snow White ate it and as soon as she but the apple she sank into unconsionous.
Thinking she was dead. The Dwarfs buill a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lald n the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the Prince who was riding through the forest looking for Snow White found her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. Everyone was happy. The Prince took Snow White to his palace where they married and lived happily ever after.

26. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe a particular person
b. To retell an event with a humorous twist
c. To discribe what the thing are
d. To presuade the readers
e. To amuse or entertain readers

27. Why the Queen wanted Snow White died?
a. Snow White was a servent
b. Snow White was not her real child
c. The Prince fell in love with her
d. Snow White did not riespect her
e. Snow White was the beautiful girl in the land

28. Why did the Queen herself go to the woods?
a. She liked visiting Snow White
b. She missed Snow White very much
c. She wnated to bring some fruit for Snow White
d. She wanted to kill Snow White herself
e. She wanted to meet the Dwarfs

29. “Snow White entered the little house and
house and found it very untidy”
The underlined words means .......
a. Spacious
b. Luxurious
c. Beautiful
d. Messy
e. Clean

30. The prince was riding through the forest looking for ......
a. The Queen
b. Snow White
c. The King
d. The Dwarfs
e. Glass coffein

31. I always come to the place .... i had memory with you
a. When
b. Where
c. Who
d. How
e. Which

32. The student come to the place ... i had a memory with you
a. Where
b. Whose
c. What
d. Whom
e. Why

33. The car .... i got from my parents is an American car.
a. Who
b. Whose
c. Whom
d. That
e. Why

34. One of the NAM’s goal to minimize the ... of two blocks.
a. Division
b. Tension
c. Diputes
d. Existence
e. Problems

35. Wars have made millions of poeple suffers from hunger, ... and diseases.
a. Depression
b. Injustice
c. Poverly
d. Illiterate
e. Coerion

36. A sister city programe can also ... to he international understanding.
a. Contribute
b. Maintanin
c. Benefit
d. Constiute
e. Concieve

37. The man ... we met in hospital yesterday is my father.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Which
e. When

38. I know the problems ... you are facing now.
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose
d. Which
e. When

39. Many rate animals are ... from extition.
a. Killed
b. Teatened
c. Shot
d. Protected
e. Kept

40. The population of Jakarta is very ... there is almost no open land there.
a. Big
b. Dirty
c. Clear
d. Dnese
e. Luxurious

41. Here is your money, Tom! I ... your Rp. 5.000,00 last week.
a. Depend on
b. Owned
c. Refined
d. Owned
e. Mined

42. A : Your room is good now. It looks clean.
D : Yes, it .....
a. Renovate
b. Renovates
c. Renovated
d. Was renovated
e. Has been renovated

43. My car is very dirty, but I have no time to wash it. So, I will have it ......
a. Wash
b. Washes
c. Washing
d. Washed
e. To wash

44. I can’t use my car ow. The machabic is repairing it.
The sentences in underlined means .....
a. It is repairing
b. It is being repairing
c. It is baing repaired
d. It is repaired
e. It has been repaired

45. Titi : Is laela able to swim very well?
Tono : Yes, she ... swim very well.
a. Can
b. Will
c. May
d. Muse
e. Should

46. Ahmad : Can Ali help us?
Umar : No, he can’t help us .....
a. But he is busy helping his father
b. Bacause he is busy helping his father
c. And he is busy helping his father
d. Although he is busy his father
e. Or he is busy helping his father

47. Jhon : Has passed an important exam.
Dible : I am glad to hear of your
succes, Jhon.
Jhon : ....
a. Please, don’t worry
b. It is uimposible
c. Thank you very much
d. No, thank yaou
e. Yes, that is correct

48. X : .....
Y : Certainly
a. Could you carry his bag for me, please?
b. What is the weather like?
c. Why don’t you see the doctor?
d. Who’s speaking, please?
e. How do you like it?

49. John : Rudi, I hear you won the prize
the speech contest at your
school ....
Rudi : Thank you.
a. I am happy
b. I belive so
c. I am surpried
d. Congratulations
e. It’s a pity

50. Mr. Abidin : Ah, Miss Tina. Sit down,
Can you write business letters
in English?
Miss. Tina : Yes, sir.
The underline words utterace is used to ask someone’s ......
a. Abiliti
b. Opinion
c. Suggestion
d. Spproval
e. Hope

51. Rina : I am thinking of going to Brazil
next year, Ria?
Ria : Oh, great! I am sure you will a
good time there.
According to the dialogue, Ria is ... thet Rina will enjoy her stay in Brazil.
a. Happy
b. Certain
c. Pleassed
d. Doubtful
e. Satisfied

52. Ria : Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go
Lita : ...
Ria : Don’t worry. I will teach you.
a. Oh, no. I am not going swimming.
b. Well, i think i can swim well.
c. That’s a good ideato swim.
d. I don’t feel like swimming.
e. Well, I can’t swim.

53. Dodi : Do you see the examination
Yuni : Yes, I passed all my subject.
Dodi : I am so happy.
Yuni : .....
a. So am i
b. So did i
c. I do
d. I did do
e. I have too

54. Marta : How was your trip to Canada?
Gina : ....
a. Oh, I cloudn’t stand with the food.
b. I am was extremely dhispleased with the trip.
c. I was feed up with the food.
d. Fantastic
e. I didn’t enjoy it at all.

55. Student : Is man able to find an efficient
way to convert the heat of the
sun into energy?
Lita : ... bacause a lot experiments
have been done and the result is quite possitive.
a. It’s quite improbable
b. It’s out of the question
c. I don’t think it is possible
d. There is always a change
e. There is no certain of it

56. Toti : What is your opinion about our
new English teacher.
Rosi : ...
a. To me see is really good.
b. On the country, i like her.
c. I quite agree with you.
d. I’d such good food.
e. I am happy to hear that.

Number 57-61 refer to the following text.

Playing Play Station for Students
Is playing PS useful for students?
Everybody likes playing PS. It is challenging and enjoying. We can spend our spare time with a lot fo fun and enjoy. We can forget our problems although for a while. We can learn many kinds of game on PS.
One the country, students can forget their time in playing PS. They feel exited and do not want to stop. They don’t remember what must they do now and later. They forget to study and to their homework.
For me, playing PS is not necessary for students. It has no use at all. It is better for us to study or read books. Or maybe we can use the time to do our hobby and physical exercises.

57. Which is not the fact about playing PS?
a. Is has only one type of game.
b. Everybody loves it.
c. It gives a lot of fun and enjoy.
d. I can make a student lazy to study.
e. It is cheep and easy to play it.

58. Reading books is .... than playing PS.
a. More expensive
b. Better
c. Worse
d. Disadvantageus
e. Old-fashioned

59. The writer .... with playing PS.
a. Likes
b. Agrees
c. Disagrees
d. Supports
e. Encourages

60. Playing PS is ... I am .... in it.
a. Challenged – Challenged
b. Challenging – Challenged
c. Challenging – Challenging
d. Challenge – Challenge
e. Challenges – Challenges

61. We Can spend our spare time by playing PS.
The underline word is synonymous with .....
a. Heavy schedule
b. Free time
c. Daily life
d. Playing time

62. Arda : I am sorry for ... your vase.
Tina : That’s alright
a. Break
b. To break
c. Breaking
d. Broken
e. Broke

63. Ani : Exuse me, sir. This is a no
smoking area.
Guest : Oh ..... ! i don’t see the notice.
a. It’s my sorry
b. It’s a sorry
c. How sorry you are
d. I am sorry
e. I accept your apology

64. Winda : You stamp om my toes.
Sari : Oh, sorry. I will move away.
Winda : .....
a. Why not
b. That’s no doubt
c. Go out
d. Thank you. It’s very kind of you.
e. You mustn’t do that.

65. Fifi : Sorry : I have .... your coffee.
a. Spoils
b. Spoil
c. Will spill
d. Spill
e. Spilled

66. “.... he would have eaten half of the cake”.
a. If he is hungry
b. If he were hungry
c. If hewas hungry
d. If he did hungry
e. If he had been hungry

67. “If were you, I ..... him”
a. Will call
b. Would call
c. Call
d. Had called
e. Called

68. If he prepared the test, he……his test.
a. passed
b. Would be passed
c. Would have passed
d. Would pass
e. Had passed

69. I Would have gone to Bali if I had got the money. The statement means…..
a. I didn’t go to Bali although I got the money
b. I went to Bali although I didn’t get the money
c. I didn’t go to Bali, because I didn’t get the money
d. I went to Bali, because I got the money
e. I went to Bali because I didn’t get the money

70. Mother : Have you cleaned the kitchen ?
Ira : …..mum.I forgot.
a. Thank you
b. Don’t worry
c. To forgive
d. Forgiveness
e. Forgive me

71. Ridho : Please….me for losing your book.
a. Forgive
b. Forgiving
c. To forgive
d. Forgiveness
e. Forgives

72. They will go swimming if……….
a. It doesn’t rain d. Isn’t rain
b. It rained e. It will not rain
c. Didn’t rain

73. Retno : I’m sorry I couldn’t come for your house last night?
Vivi : What happened ?
Retno : ………
a. I have a visitor
b. I got a visitor
c. I had been a visitor
d. I will have a visitor
e. I would have a visitor
This text for number 74 –7 8.


The greek word tele means far off. Tele-comunication refers to long distance communi-cation radio, telegram, telephone, and television.

Telecomunication system is very fast because the sound and the picture signals travel as electric current along wires, radio through the air and space, or light waves along glass fiber. Radio waves and signals travel almost as fast. Telephone and Radio networks us communication satellites orbiting in space high above the earth.

Telecomunication system is any set of device and technique employed for the long distance transmission of voice, data, teleprinter, or television signals.All communication system operate according to the same being principles. They differ from each other chiefly in the specific types for information handled and the media over which they are transmitted. Familiar examples of such system are radio, televisin, telephone, telegram, and computer based data exchange or retrieval system are radio telecimunication system information via view, radio, or space satellite.

74. Which statement is not true according to the text ?
a. Telephone net works are exchanging data
b. Telephone meets you with someone far way
c. Radio networks transmit sounds and pictures
d. Communication anable us to make worldwide telephone.
e. Communication is just signaling information.

75. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. How the satellite orbits in a space
b. How the sound and picture travel.
c. How use of communication satellite.
d. How radio waves and signal travel.
e. The reasons why telecommunication is very fast.

76. Why is telecommunication very fast ?
a. Because the long distance communication is electric.
b. Because the information is transmitted to distant place
c. Because all the system are operated according to the same basic principle.
d. Because the sound and picture signals travel like electric current.
e. Because the communication satellites are orbiting in space high above the earth.

77. Which of the following equipments sends a message received from machines in other place ?
a. Radio
b. Telegram
c. Handphone
d. Television
e. Teleprintewr

78. “Telecomunication system is any set of device and technologies employed for the long distance transmission of voice….”
a. Installed d. Applied
b. Operated e. Made
c. Producted

79. You wouldn’t buy car because you…..rich.
a. Hadn’t been d. Weren’t
b. Are not e. Isn’t
c. Were

80. Siska…..if she….the contest last mont
a. Will go abroad – wins
b. Would go abroad – won
c. Would have abroad – win
d. Would have gone abroad – had won
e. Will go abroad – win

81. You would get a scholarship if you…diligent.
a. Was
b. Is
c. Were
d. Had been
e. Are

82. “….more could be learned in this way that in any other”.
a. To make accurate measurements.
b. To show the important of measurements
c. To learn to make accurate measurements
d. To way Galileo made accurate measurements
e. To important of making accutrate measure-ments

83. Husband : Our car always trouble me.
Wife : Why don’t you sell it and buy a new one ?
Husband : Well, I don’t any objection to your idea as long as we can efford it.
In the dialogue, the husband express….
a. Sympathy d. intolerance
b. Capability e. pleasure
c. Agreement

84. Student : Is man able to find an efficient way to concert the heat of the sun into energy?
Teacher : ….because a lot experiments have been done and the result is quite positive.
a. It’s quite improbable
b. It’s out of question
c. There’s always a chance
d. I don’t think it’s possible
e. There’s no certain of it.

85. Bobby : will you go to the movie with me last night?
Henny : I would love to but I don’t think I can.there is so much homework to do
From the dialogue, we know that Henny is…..
a. Stating agreement
b. Giving an opinion
c. Accepting an opinion
d. Asking for permission
e. Refusing the invitation

This text for number 86 – 87
Most people do not think of coffee as a drug, but in fact. It is a drug and it has important effect are good and some are not. Coffee can help you stay awake when you are driving or working. But, it went you are awake at night when you want to sleep. Coffee makes some people feel more alive so they can work better. Other feel too nervous when they drink coffee. After a large meal, coffee can help your stomach. But, to much coffee can cause a stomachache.

86. The topic of the above paragraph is……
a. Coffee as a drug
b. The important of coffee
c. A disease cause by coffee
d. The reason why people drink coffee
e. Some effects coffee on our body

87. One of the reason people drink coffee is to…..
a. Reduce pain
b. Relieve stomachache
c. Make them stay awake
d. Make them feel stronger
e. Help them sleep soundly

88. Student A :Have you visited Mulawarman Palace? It’s the oldest palace in Kalimantan.
Student B : No, I haven’t but I hope to be able to do it next time.
The underlined expression shows……..
a. Refusal
b. Agreement
c. Invitation
d. Expection
e. ecception

89. Coah :What kind of sports do you play work?
Ilyas :….and I was the runner up in the last school competition.
a. I am good at tennis
b. I don’t know anything about it
c. I am not capable of doing any sports
d. I don’t think I have the ability to run
e. I don’t like any kind of sports
This text for number 90– 91

To :Ramadani,Ir. Engineering Departement
From : Director
Date : July 7, 2003
Subject : Elena Kozikov Ukranian Engineer
Dr,Elena Kuzikov will be visitor our company on Tuesday, September 7th. I would like you to prepare a program for her. She will arrive in the morning before noon. Please start with lunch and then show your

90. What is the purpose of this memo?
a. To prewpare a program
b. To show the department
c. To give recommended
d. To tell the true
e. To have lunch

91. When was the memo written ?
a. September 1st 2003
b. July 7th 2003
c. July 20th 2003
d. September 30th 2003
e. September 4th 2003

92. Chairil Anwar is regarded as a poiner in a modern Indonesia…..
a. Erticle d.verves
b. Poet e. prose
c. Poetry

This text for number 93 - 94
The Office Writer’s Handbook
Is a necessary work for anyone who has to write for business purpose. It states the relus of English grammar accurately and clearly, and show you to aply them to you writing. It also gives approved formats for business letters, report, and even charts. A special section covers the most common writing mistakes and how to avoid them.

93. What material is covered in the special section?
a. Sample charts
b. Writing formats
c. Sample business letters
d. Common mistakes
e. Written handbook

94. Who would like not use this book ?
a. Ability
b. Opinion
c. Suggestion
d. Approval
e. Hope

95. Mr. Tom : Ah miss Tina, sit down, please! Can you operate the Ms.Office program?
Miss Tina : Yes, Sir.
The underlined utterance is used to ask someone’s…..
a. Ability
b. Opinion
c. Suggestion
d. Approval
e. hope

96. Ida : Is Totok able to cook Japaness food?
Tia :Yes, he…..cook very well
a. can d. Must
b. will e. Should
c. May

97. Ria : Tommorow is Sunday.Shall we go swimming?
Lita :…..
Ria : Don’t worry. I will teach you
a. Oh, no. I am not going swimming
b. Well, I think I can Swim well
c. That’s a good idea to swim
d. I don’t like swimming
e. Well, I can’t swimming

98. Masto : How is you trip to New York?
Fini :……..
The expression of pleasure is..
a. Oh, I can’t stand with the flood
b. I am extremely displeased with the trip
c. I am feed up with the food
d. Fantastic
e. I don’t enjoy at all

99. A : What is your opinion about our new English teacher ?
B : …..
a. To me she is very good
b. On the contrary, I like her
c. I quite agree with you
d. I am happy to hear that
e. I see, She is a beautiful

100. A : Do you think John can solve the difficult problem ?
B : I…..he can do it. He is en intelligent student.
a. Am in doubt d. An not sure
b. Believe e. guess
c. Don’t think

101. Nanik:I think there is very little chance for me to save money at home.
Tini : To avoid the risk, it’s better for you to save it in the bank.
Drom the dialogue, we know that…
a. Nanik can certainy save her money at home
b. Nanik will probably no able to save money at home
c. Tini is certain that Nanik will save money at home
d. Nanik have saved her money in a bank
e. Nanik can save her money at home

102. Chika : What do you think about the film ?
Tata : The best we have seen this year, surely
Chika :…..the main characters are really amazing.
a. I don’t think so
b. I quite agree with you
c. I am afraid I don’t agree
d. I think you are mistaken
e. I couldn’t accept your opinion

103. A : I think….that the economic situation will improve soon
B : I agree
a. I can’t agree
b. I disagree
c. I can’t remember
d. That’s quite right
e. It is possible

104. Joko : I have never seen such a beautiful wedding ceremony.
Ali : …..it was really great
a. I got it know
b. I wouldn’t say that
c. I was very satisfied
d. I quite agree with you
e. I am verry happy to hear that

105. The people of this kingdom……her the princess
a. Appointed d. Nominate
b. Choose e. select
c. Crawn


We can find the sign in…..
a. Circus d. door
b. Stasiun e. park
c. Bell

107. X :……
Y : Coordinator of the programme
a. they appounted him coordinator of the programme, didn’t they?
b. He was appointed coordinator of the programme , wasn’t he?
c. Did the bass appoint him coordinator of the programme ?
d. What did the boss appointed him?]
e. Who appointed him coorditaor of the programme ?

108. A : what do you think of government
liquidating of the cereval bank recently ?
B : I am one of the costumers of the liquidated banks, so …
a. I am one on it
b. I am aware of it
c. I am unhappy about it
d. I am sure about it
e. I am interested in it

109. …..there is snake behind you
a. Carefully
b. Mind you
c. Look out
d. Make suke
e. You shoul be

110. Toto : science and technology has develop very fast. Do you think we are reading for that?
Tati : …
a. Good, its interesting
b. Why not . just beheve yourself
c. Oh, marveollus, its great for you
d. Frangkly speaking. I disagree with you
e. I am not certain. The quality of our education it still now.

111. its already 03.00 pm lina a ten years old girl, has not come yet
tati : … something had happened to her
father : don’t worry. I am sure he is all right.
a. I am sorry
b. I am afraid
c. I am not sure
d. I don’t know
e. I don’t care

112. I saw you talking to Ani just now, and she has been crying since then. I am sure you have tod her something terrible.
The underlined words means….
a. Possibility
b. Ability
c. Uncertainty
d. Certainly
e. Impossibly

113. X : what do you think of this book ?
Y :………..
X : Yes, I think so. I like it very much and I have read it twice.
a. It’s boring, isn’t it ?
b. It’s interesting, isn’t it ?
c. It’s to expensive, isn’t it ?
d. I think it is very expensive.
e. I think it is too hard to understand, isn’t it ?
114. X : Do you know Ani’s phone number ?
Y : it’s 827293
X : Realy ?
Y : ….I phone her last night.
a. Yes d.Perhaps
b. May be e. Probably
c. Sorry

115. Budi : I like that Film very much ?
Rahmad : …I have seen it three times
a. So am I d. I don’t either
b. I am too e. Neither do
c. So do I

116. Rony : would you like me to swich on the light ? it’s very dark here.
Peter : Yes, please.
From the dialogue above, Peter expresses his...
a. Agreement d. Incapabily
b. Hope e. Ability
c. Disagreement

117. A : Do you thing they will be successful in the final exam ?
B : I can’t say that for sure.
From the dialogue above we conclude that is feels….
a. Worrid d. Uncertain
b. Unhappy e. Dissapoited
c. Hopeless

118. I know you have a lot of problems. But, you keep them yourself. I wis you…to me about it now.
a. Talk d. Talked
b. Had talked e. didn’t talked
c. Hadn’t talked

119. Deny : Were is your car Gus ?
Agus : In the garage….by machine.
a. It is prepaired
b. It is being prepaired
c. It was prepaired
d. It were being prepaired
e. It was being prepaired

120. Doni : I am sad. Masduki, my younger brother didn’t pass the final test.
Aisyah :He would have passed if he…
Doni : I se. He was not well prepared, then.
a. Had studied seriously
b. Has been studying seriously
c. Has studied seriously
d. Was studied seriously
e. Has been studied seriously

121. Faisal : Suf, your car always look shiny. Do you clean it yourself ?
Yusuf : No, I don’t. I always have it….
a. Clean d. cleaned
b. Clean ing e. Cleans
c. to Clean

122. Hendrawan : Za. Do you prefer playing badminton to playing football ?
Reza : I’d rather…..football.
a. Play d. Played
b. To Play e. I am Playing
c. Playing

123. If Joko’s father had a lot of money. Joko would have continued his study in USA.
From the sentences about we know that….
a. Joko’s father doesn’t have much money
b. Joko’s father don’t have much money
c. Joko’s father didn’t have much money
d. Joko’s father didn’t have much money so Joko will continue his study in USA
e. Joko’s father has much money so Joko will continue his study in USA

124. Salim : May I borrow you pen?
Ningsih : ….there is something wrong with it.
a. I am sad to hear that
b. I agree with you
c. I am sorry to hear that
d. I apologize
e. I am afraid you can’t

125. Daud : Sorry, I din’t come your party last Saturday night, because I had to pick my father up in the airport.
Sari : …..
a. It was really wonderful
b. Right you are
c. I don’t think you would
d. Not to worry
e. It is nice to hear it

126. Tourist : ….I can you tell me where the Botanical Garden is ?
Father : Yes, it is next to the City Hall
a. Hi d. Hello
b. Excuse me e. I am Sorry
c. I beg your pardon

127. Mona : I saw Hendi playing baskerball with his friens yesterday where as he attends a final test today.
Father : He…..
a. Were studying last night
b. Have been studying last night
c. Are studying last night
d. Should have been studying last night
e. Had been studying last night

128. Tony : Met, what would you do if you had a new car ?
Slamet : I think I would go around the city
From the dialogue above we know that Slamet ….a new car
a. Has d. Had
b. Have e. doesn’t has
c. Doesn’t have

129. Hamdani: Hi, bas. Glad to meet you! How are you getting on ?
Basuni : I have been passed from university on Indonesia
Hamdani : ……
a. I am sorry to hear that
b. You are welcome
c. It’s good
d. congratulation
e. thank you

130. Teacher : What time do you study everyday ?
Sri : I ussualy study from 06.00 to 10.00 in the evening
Dodi : what did the teacher ask you ?
Yuni : Ha ask me what time….
a. Do you study d. I was study
b. I studied e. I stidy
c. I am study

131. A clay is a malleable material.
This mean that it is…..
a. Easy to roll a malleable into a new shape
b. Easy to break into a new shape
c. Easy to cut into a new shape
d. Easy to fracture into a new shape
e. Easy to crack into a new shape

132. Dadang : Are you a new worked here ?
Edwin : Yes, I wonder to the office building when was it…..?
a. Build d. Built
b. Building e. Has built
c. Is building

133. Edi : What is the matter with Gito when he was in the class ?
Samsu : He nodes as if he had understand everything.
From the dialogue above we know that….everything
a. Gito understand
b. Gito doesn’t understand
c. Gito understanding
d. Gito didn’t understand
e. Gito understood

134. I prefer omelette…… fried chicken
a. Than d.more
b. To e. the most
c. Better than

135. Arman : Have you finished your job?
Rico : Yes, I finished three day ago. What about you ?
Arman : …..
a. I did
b. So do I
c. I will to
d. I have too
e. I too

136. father car was dirty and dusty, and father was very busy so….
a. Father had washed the car himself
b. Father had a workman wash the car
c. Father had to was the car
d. A workman had father was the car
e. A workman had the car washed by father

137. Arda : I am sorry for….your vase
Yeni : That’s alright.
a. Break
b. To break
c. Breaking
d. Broken
e. broke

Cara Kerja Otak


kreatif,global (tgk sesuatu dlm konteks menyeluruh),deductive (tgk general dlu br specific),simultaneous atau multifunctional (bole wat keje byk2 dlm satu masa,pandai melukis, bermain lagu, menyanyi, mereka bentuk,bersifat emosi dan bertindak secara mengikut perasaan,lebih suka berkhayal,mempunyai kuasa gerak hati yang kuat, besar kemungkinan sangat cerdik dan mereka mungkin akan sesat dalam dunia imaginasi.

OTAK KIRI : Otak kiri kita pula memproses maklumat yang berbentuk perbualan, pemikiran logik dan analisis. Otak kiri kita amat hebat dalam proses menamakan serta mengkategorikan sesuatu, simbol, ucapan, mambaca, menulis dan mengira.Otak kiri kita memproses maklumat secara linear dan mengikut urutan. Jika kita lihat balik sistem pendidikan kita, kita dilatih untuk menguasai pembacaan, penulisan serta pengiraan dan kesemua ini melibatkan otak kiri kita.

OTAK KANAN:Otak kanan kita berfungsi untuk mengawal aspek-aspek seperti persepsi, ruang, penglihatan, kreativiti dan intuisi. Cara otak kanan kita memperoses maklumat adalah berbeza dengan otak kiri.Otak kanan memproses maklumat dengan cepat dan secara tak linear dan tak bersiri. Otak kanan kita melihat sesuatu secara menyeluruh dan cuba mencari perkaitan di antara satu sama lain. Cara otak kanan kita memproses maklumat amat sukar diterangkan melalui perkataan kerana ia amat kompleks.